Are you ready to activate your soul's mission and unlock the secret you came to earth to share that cannot be learned in a book?

You are in the right place.

I see so many people suffering at soul-crushing jobs they hate or at businesses that are draining them to the point of burnout. 

People I meet tell me they want to make money doing what they love, but they lack the confidence and don’t know how.

They have a deep knowing internally they have a soul’s mission but the specifics of they can monetize their gifts are unclear and feel unreachable.

Can you relate?

"Love The Work You Do"

If so, The Money SoulPrint Program is what you’ve been waiting for.

In this 90-day life-changing program, I will help you go from questioning your connection to your deepest souls calling to living a deeply fulfilled life where you express your soul’s mission and make money doing what you love each and every day.

I will support you step by step to map out your divine soul’s plan and actively work with the angels and spirit guides, and be a vessel for this wisdom to be received and shared.

I can do this because I’ve been there…

I know how it feels to know you are here for a reason with a mission seemingly embedded into your DNA and yet having sometimes no clue how to unravel the magic within you. I know what it really takes to develop a direct relationship with your soul’s purpose and make a living sharing your unique wisdom with the world.

As a young single mother, I became obsessed with making money. I wanted to become a millionaire. For nearly ten years, I read every money book, went to money making seminar, and tried every ‘get rich quick’ scheme there was out there.

I wanted so badly to become a millionaire because then I could have the time freedom to spend with my son, instead of him trapped in daycare for endless hours a day while I slogged away at a job that felt more like a prison. I wanted to be one of those successful people I saw on TV or read about in books. 

My soul was aching to be free.

After many years trying, in 2006, I successfully left my corporate job after building a $7.5 million dollar real estate firm that owned and managed 97 mortgages, a hotel and a 5-star wedding business on The Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas.

I had it all. The beautiful river front home, fancy convertible, gorgeous husband, happy teenagers, and a thriving business. Life was magical.

Then, the economy started to crumble and in 2010, in the space of 6 months, I had 6 life-altering missiles hit my life. My dear mother in law committed suicide, my sister in law died of lung cancer, my son graduated the same weekend we lost our home and cars in a bankruptcy, my husband left and my health deteriorated so much I ended up bedridden.

To say, I lost all my identities was an understatement. I was devastated.

However, through working with my inner healing abilities and asking for guidance, I was shown that I had a divine souls mission and that my voice had wisdom to share.

That my story could be an inspiration to others and it was important to love and forgive myself.

My dark night of the soul taught me that I would never find the fulfillment I was searching for through creating an outside situation, it had to be cultivated inside.

I traveled deep into my own inner self to discover intuitive and healing gifts that led me to greater peace and joy that I’d never had before.

"Activate Your Soul's Purpose"

The truth is, computers cannot feel, and it is an incredible time to activate our souls missions. Humanity desperately needs more people living their hearts and fulfilling their unique soul’s mission. Together we can focus more on love, light, and our creative genius within versus fighting for survival.

As a result of my inner transformation, I’m now living a life full of abundance, joy and ease. I have claimed my inner wisdom and soul’s gifts and become more confident in my calling as an energy healer, powerful intuitive and spiritual teacher.

In 1995 I become a Reiki Master. In 2001, I began teaching and in combination with my artistic skills, I started to clairvoyantly see colors that I was told represented the person’s soul superpower and purpose.

In 2015, I developed ‘The Soul Color Modality’ and since I have done 1000’s of readings. The red frequencies around a person tell me their gift to the world is to love, blue is for wisdom, and yellow is for joy.

After coaching thousands of clients, I know that once a person truly connects to their soul’s mission and get the business tools to become an entrepreneur, they too can experience a life full of fulfillment, passion and synchronicity.

I invite you to take a moment to imagine what’s possible for you…

What would it be like to wake up each feeling deeply connected to your soul’s mission being guided every moment of every day?

To know you are sharing and making money with your soul gifts in the world with confidence, ease and joy?

To no longer struggle feeling lost on why you’re here, what you’re to teach humanity and know your unique value?

This is SO possible for you 🙌🎉

Are you ready to start making your alignment with your soul’s purpose a non-negotiable in your life?

What are other's saying about Johanna's work?


  • Heal subconscious belief’s that are holding you back 
  • Clear super clear to leverage your strengths
  • Learn your soul’s superpower that’s written in your frequency
  • Create a new life that you absolutely love
  • Gain clarity on the one thing you’re specifically here to teach humanity
  • Discover methods of marketing that are easy and fun
  • Learn specific sales techniques that help you sell high ticket products and services with ease
  • Receive 1:1 support from Johanna and her team of co-teachers


  • Dozens of meditations and activations
  • Dozens of educational videos on:
    ~ Healing beliefs such as imposter syndrome, codependency, visibility issues and more
    ~ Business strategies including marketing and sales
  • 1:1 support within the community for personal and business questions from Johanna and co-teachers
  •  Personalized Healing Arts Discovery Workbook and step-by-step process so you can create your unique ‘Money SoulPrint’ including:
    ~ Astrology Reading
    ~ Soul Color Reading
    ~ Human Design Reading
    ~ Tarot Reading
    ~ Numerology Reading
    ~ Gene Keys Reading
  • Extra Spiritual Business Resources including:
    ~ Dozens of bonus videos
    ~ 21 most famous spiritual business books
    ~ 15 ways people learn
    ~ 30 admiral qualities of people you can admire
    ~ 50 most common lies believed in business
    ~ 7 most common fears entrepreneurs face
    ~ 30 questions to help you discover your soul’s mission
    and so much more!

"Make Money Doing The Work Your Soul Came Here To Do"

This module is specifically designed to help you prepare for the quantum leap.
Including powerful meditations and activations, processes and a committment letter. 

This module is specifically designed to help you highlight managing your need for connection and authenticity. How to balance your increasing desire to live your most magical life. 

This module is specifically designed to help you heal your imposter syndrome, visibility issues, codependency and other major blocks in carrying out your soul’s mission. 

This module is specifically designed to help you heal your deepest money blocks and beliefs so you can celebrate sharing with your magic in the world. 

This module is specifically designed to help you identifying your soul’s mission and your passions. 

This module is specifically designed to help you gather specifics about your soul’s mission hidden in the healing arts. You’ll gather information through personalized Astrology, Human Design, Tarot, Numerology, Soul Color, and Gene Keys readings. 

This module is specifically designed to help you to getting crystal clear on the one thing you’re here to teach humanity and how you’d prefer to do this considering your unique personality style, strengths and weakeneses that have been revealed by the previous modules. 

This module is specifically designed to help you identifying your unique offerings and how to create the best service and product for your success.   

This module is specifically designed to help you fall in love with WHY you’re sharing your magic in the world and connecting to humanity in a new way. 

This module is specifically designed to help you discover your unique way to market yourself. You’ll get to leverage all the knowledge you have gained throughout the course to take action in sharing your magic in the world. 

This module is specifically designed to help you learn how to sell, including high ticket offers. Often times, this is the most tricky part of anyone sharing their magic in the world, and there are tactics, once learned make the whole process so much easier. 

This module is specifically designed to help you to gather all the information that you’ve gained awareness of throughout the course and culminate it into a Money SoulPrint workbook and framework designed to give you the next steps in bringing your soul’s mission alive and sharing it out into the world.


This is the course I wish I had twenty five years ago. I would have saved myself millions of dollars and years of struggling trying to reach the joyous level of freedom I do today. I say that I 'loved myself rich', and I'll teach you how you can too.

My deepest desire is for you to experience the money and time freedom you desire. I absolutely love leveraging what I call my ‘Multi-million Dollar Education on What Not-To-Do in Business and Life’ to help fast track to you to finding your soul’s mission. I realized becoming truly aligned with ones unique soul’s mission was the fastest way to true fulfillment and happiness. You feel the freedom at the soul level!
The lessons learned included in this program are ones I’ve accumulated over the past 30 years being an entrepreneur and over 60,000 hours of being a master healer with having served 1000’s of clients.
This program is an experience. In my retreats, my VIP coaching and in my group programs, I specialize in helping people experience themselves differently. My favorite testimonial is where a client will say, “I’m not the same person. You changed my life.”

This program does not simply include information, but a deep understanding of what knowledge you need to discover aspects of yourself so that you can live the life your soul has always envisioned. Your soul’s plan has been locked inside your DNA since you were born, and you’ve been training for your mission throughout your life.
The greatest gift you’ll receive by participating inside this program, will be an energetic shift. Every day, I gather each student in my minds eye along with your angelic support team, my angels, and guides and together we create an energetic bubble of high frequencies designed to elevate us all to higher timelines with ease and grace. Many of my clients are so grateful for all the incredible business and healing knowledge I can share, and yet some say that as much as 80% of the benefit of working with me is the energetic upgrade. You’ll literally be bathed in a totally new vibration so that synchronicities will effortlessly find you and abundance will flow into your life as if by magic.

Are you ready to start living the life you keep dreaming about? This is the most important invitation to take advantage of and it’s time to say yes to your soul NOW!



Please email: for access to this course. 

There is no risk in joining.
If you decide The Money SoulPrint Program is not for you from the date of purchase, and can prove you participated in the classwork and homework, then we will give you your money back. However, if you contact us after the 14th day, we do not offer refunds.

More questions or payment plans? eMail: