You are currently viewing 3 Sensitive Selling Strategies to increase your close rate w/LOVE

3 Sensitive Selling Strategies to increase your close rate w/LOVE

Sometimes, as an empath, guiding someone into their pain actually feels manipulative and sleazy.

If you’re sensitive, helping people truly step into their pain and believing in your tools that you are the one to help them recover is your highest calling as a light-worker.

In this latest VLOG, Johanna will share with you 3 Sensitive Selling Strategies to increase your close rate that don’t feel sticky, sleazy or manipulative and instead feel like you’re holding space for more LOVE in the world.

Johanna, over the past 25 years, has bought and sold millions of dollars in products and services ranging from magazine sales to real estate to healing and coaching sessions. Even though, Johanna has sold $30k private coaching packages, she claims that selling her healing and coaching services have stretched her sales skills more than any other product or service she has sold. Come find out why… watch the video above.

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