Finding Your Unique Voice
Finding Your Unique Voice:One of the things that I find so many times when talking to entrepreneurs, is that they haven’t found their unique voice. It’s so important, because it…
Finding Your Unique Voice:One of the things that I find so many times when talking to entrepreneurs, is that they haven’t found their unique voice. It’s so important, because it…
Learn The Language of SuccessEveryone is looking for success. They all think that, we collectively think that if we have a nice fancy car, if we have a big house,…
Yummy earth energy Just take deep breath. Let it out. Breathe in. Let’s imagine that you’re breathing in from mother earth all her beautiful, lovely energy coming in through in your body,…
Embracing Your Inner Magical Child I created this special meditation to help relieve stress and bring you more happiness. By taking the time to truly accept your inner magical child, you’ll feel more joy.…
You Are Not Your Fear One of my favorite teachers is Kyle Cease, and he says that you are not your fear. You are not your fear. The thing about…
You Are Not Your FearOne of my favorite teachers is Kyle Cease, and he says that you are not your fear. The thing about being light, the truth of who we…
How I became intuitive has to start with my car accident when I was 23. (I, of course, was born intuitive, but it’s not until I was literally hit over the…